The New River Junction, located in McCoy, Virginia is a popular place for tubing, camping, and family fun in the New River Valley! They’re also joining the ranks of other local businesses that have decided to go solar here in southwest Virginia.

The owners decided it was time to go solar and Baseline was there to help from start to finish.
We utilized 18 Trina Solar panels and a Fronius inverter to power this net-metered array. One interesting quirk of this property in general was its unique electricity usage.
The Junction is a seasonal business operating mainly from May to September. The vast majority of their electrical demand occurs during the summer months. They operate an office, a well, and over 20 campground sites with electrical hookups.

With a net-metered system, electricity from the panels is first used in real-time in your home or business. If you’re producing more than you’re consuming at any time, that excess is sent to the grid and tracked by your utility. You earn a credit for each kWh sent back to the grid and can use these to offset up to 100% of your energy needs.
The seasonality of the New River Junction means that for a lot of the year, they’ll be producing far more than they’ll consume–for several months at a time. Thanks to net metering here in Virginia, that’s all tracked and issued back to the Junction on their monthly bill. This means that solar made perfect sense for their seasonal business!
With federal tax credits available and other incentives for businesses of any size, solar is a great investment! If you’d like to learn more or get a quote from Baseline, get in touch with us today!